Episode 20: An Interview With Garrett A. Morgan IV

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Garrett A. Morgan IV comes from a lineage of inventors, fabricators and builders. We explore his great grandfather's history, who invented an early version of the gas mask and stop light. Garrett's vast array of commercial and industrial employment ranges from mold making to automotive design, and even sculpting things for Bone Thugs 'N Harmony. Hear his story on this week's episode!

Our theme song "Shane and Sonia Ride The Bus" was written and recorded by Shane Izykowski

Show notes:

Garrett A. Morgan Sr.- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garrett_Morgan

ProArts- https://proartsgallery.org/

The Crucible- https://thecrucible.org/?gclid=CjwKCAjwopTYBRAzEiwAnU4kb-LlSrNYKw1FT5AWMsXQUZ-M2TScjcsKBO6IVX2M9Hh05j-UfTa41BoCZNsQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

Heath Ceramics- http://www.heathceramics.com/